Site Acquisition Services

Our team takes on a unique approach with every assignment as no two sites are ever the same. We begin by utilizing the core within Force’s vast experience in telecommunications design, as this is always at the forefront when assessing the locations within a given search ring.

We carefully review the site from a perspective of design and construction throughout all aspects of the process, while always considering the structure type/condition, constructability and a logistical aspect of the location prior to engaging the building owner.

We are then secure to confidently approach the owner/building representative and fairly negotiate a lease in the best interest for both parties. The ultimate goal is always to bring the site online in the optimal location while also maximizing the client’s needs and while maintaining the industry’s budgets

Force’s three-step approach begins with a thorough review of each site ring/area. This process combines the key aspects of site completion: Leasing, Engineering, and Construction. A site is only as good as the final constructed location!

1. Identification (Site Acquisition)

  • Procure multiple locations within a site ring/area
  • Engage Owner’s with interest and understanding of the leasing process or offer education, when needed
  • Lease negotiation and execution

2. Design (Design Team)

  • Identify constructible locations
  • Review structural/infrastructure red flags
  • Provide a basic desktop design of the site
  • Evaluate permit processing review
  • Specify possible environmental implications

3. Construction (Construction Management Team)

  • Future Constructibility
    • ♦ Determine if a crane, repelling or other extreme measures are required during construction.
    • ♦ Installation Pros and Cons
    • ♦ Utility requirements
  • Accessibility to the equipment, once construction is complete

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